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Support Us

Get Involved

Our community has a history of supporting what matters – our children and their education because their future is our future. Our Glastonbury ABC scholars bring a unique perspective and experience to our community that we must encourage and sustain. The friendships made and the shared experiences during these important years will influence and inform all our students well beyond high school.

The Cost to Run Glastonbury ABC

Glastonbury A Better Chance receives no subsidies from the government or the National ABC program. 100% of our funding comes from community supporters like you.

We spend approximately $100,000 per school year on food, utilities, staff salaries (resident directors and cook), property and van maintenance, insurance, scholar allowances, and enrichment activities.

Your philanthropic support is giving a better chance to young men. Every dollar touches a student’s life and the good work of Glastonbury A Better Chance.

Take advantage of our online giving here

Or send checks to:

Glastonbury ABC, Inc.

P. O. Box 502
Glastonbury, CT 06033


Or donate through United Way by designating
Glastonbury ABC #5392 as your charity

Let's Make A Change

Here are some ways you can donate:

Checks Payable

 Glastonbury ABC, Inc.

P. O. Box 502
Glastonbury, CT 06033

Online (PayPal)

Make a tax deductible donation‏.

Donate with PayPal
United Way

Glastonbury ABC 

#5392 as your charity

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